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Dick Tracy (1990) is based on Cesare Lombroso theory

submitted by Conspirologist to movies 5 monthsJan 3, 2024 10:30:14 ago (+2/-2)     (movies)

Dick Tracy (1990) is based on Cesare Lombroso theory. He said "All degenerates are criminals, but not all criminals are degenerates". The comics and the movie are based on handsome detective Dick Tracy Vs Mafia degenerates. Unfortunately his theory doesn't work, because of Hunter Biden. He looks like a handsome man, but he is a junkie and a pervert. Maybe degenerates are all dangerous, but there are also people who look normal who have degenerate, perverted brains.

2 comments block

iSnark 2 points 5 months ago

Cesare Lombroso is an idiot! If just one degenerate exists out there that is not a criminal, then his theory is as stupid as he is. I believe there are plenty of degenerates out there that are not criminals. Questionable characters, but not a given that they are criminals...