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Just a reminder that the new supply of Bitcoin gets cut in half around April which is why Bitcoin is gone from its four year low or $15,000 to $46,000 in the last 8 or 9 months and why is jumping like crazy at the beginning of the new year.

submitted by Crackinjokes to news 5 monthsJan 2, 2024 06:39:20 ago (+6/-2)     (news)

In the past during these times called the havanings as in cutting in half we've seen anywhere from a 10x to much more increase in the price of Bitcoin. Remember we're talking about something that around 8 years ago or longer was $50. It's today $45,600. Haven't gone up just $2,000.

A reminder that you can buy a portion of a bitcoin. It's infinitely divisible. So you can put $1,000 and you can put $2,000 in you can put $10,000 and you can put $50 in.

While the US dollar continues to collapse Bitcoin over the past 10 years has continued to skyrocket because there is no way to print more than what is mathematically preordained and the new amount of Bitcoin that can be made is 1/2 of what it was every 4 years. So it's absolute scarcity not artificial scarcity. Unlike gold which you can mine more gold when the price of gold goes up with Bitcoin you cannot mind more Bitcoin and in fact every 4 years the amount of new Bitcoin that can be mined is cut in half.

People somebody invented a way around the Jewish Federal reserve. That's the whole reason Bitcoin was created and whatever plot you believe about the secret CIA or whatever Bitcoin has made many regular people multi-millionaires. And even if it didn't make the multimillionaires it gave them f* you money like 20,000 or 50,000 or $200,000. Now you can sit here and say all you want and you can say it's a Ponzi scheme and you can say it's a secret CIA group and all this other crap but whatever the hell it is for the people who bought it at 10 cents a Bitcoin or 50 cents a Bitcoin or a dollar a Bitcoin or $1,000 a Bitcoin or $10,000 a Bitcoin it's now worth $45,600 and yes you can sell it and yes you can pull your money out and yes it really is real.

So you stupid f
** stop sitting on the sidelines and participate in the one thing that's some smart Anglo-Saxon probably Protestants invented to get around the Jewish control of money. Participate. When you own Bitcoin it's like owning stock in the federal reserve. You own a limited number of pieces of the limited monetary system that is guaranteed to increase in value every 4 years. While all those people were telling you stories that it was all Ponzi scheme all the big investment Company including all the giant Jewish investment companies or buy it at Bitcoin while they were trying to scare you to keep the price low. Black raccoons Bitcoin every big Jewish Bank owns bitcoin. It's traded and quoted on all the money channels now.

Don't be sitting on the sidelines in the next year. And don't wait until everybody is said that it's the best investment in the world this year and it's at the peak. Buy it before it's at the peak you stupid f
** idiots. You stupid f** qanon idiot f** believers whose heart is in the right place you need to start having money. We need white anglo-section Christians to have money. Money money. You're stupid poverty sitting on the sidelines bitching about the Jews and how they control money doesn't help any of us. Participate. Make some f**** money.

54 comments block

You are a fucking idiot and you know nothing about investing or finance and you know nothing about the physical commodities market.

You are a faggot and shilling bitcoin because "number go up" and you are trying to shill more people into buying it because "number gonna go up this year".

Silver (and gold) are some of the best investments on the planet and the foundational case for investing in them is the strongest it has ever been.

"Is the mining supply going to be cut in half?"

You're a fucking idiot. Metals and commodities of all kinds are at critical deficits with no sight of improvement for several years. You can't just turn a mine on. Look at uranium. It's up something like 80% this year.

Your faggot coins can be tracked, shut off, traced, printed. Whatever the fuck. Having a little bit is fine but you are just another faggot who knows nothing about anything, you've been brainwashed into the crypto faggotry, and now you're shilling it to get others on board your pump and dump.