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Stats of Blacks population vs whites during slavery

submitted by Anomaly to politics 5 monthsDec 31, 2023 04:58:59 ago (+2/-1)     (politics)

Anybody have any stats on how many slaves were here during slavery vs the percentage of white people here?

Black people love to say that without them nothing would have ever been built in America and that they built America without their “high iqs”

Need some goats knowledge 🐐

2 comments block

And how many of these 10.7 million Africans were shipped directly to North America? Only about 388,000. That’s right: a tiny percentage.

You'll need to read on why so few were imported and why it was one of the many reasons for future problems in this nation.

A man in the prime of life, worth $1,600 [equivalent to approximately $35,200 in today's dollars] or thereabouts,

This article is from 2005.
35,200 in 2005 will be worth $56,142 in 2024.

How many niggers do you know that are worth $56k?