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@NukeAmerica and 39 other Voat users inspired because a black says the same thing we've been saying.

submitted by osomperne to WhitesInspiredBecauseSomeoneIsBrown 5 monthsDec 30, 2023 17:28:33 ago (+6/-7)     (www.voat.xyz)


This is another example of Americans constantly reaching to places outside the US to claim their culture is valid, they don't have confidence in themselves, they need to hitch their wagon to someone else's. Australians believe now that keeping women in their place is and has always been an Islamic thing; this is occurring while there is a simultaneous zeitgeist of the "50s dad" reference where women in western countries were beaten when they got out of line.

Americans also tend to only socially "allow" a behavior if they can cite somewhere else on the planet that it's done, even if they cite their own culture, others only accept it if brown people somewhere did it. This is quite a peculiar fallacy, and they claim to be objectively correct with their actions.

This nonsense of objective truth for subjective and obviously bias stances is up there with the most nonsense jewish propaganda effects of our time.

5 comments block

You babbling maroon.