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A Response to Aza Raskin & Tristan Harris (and/or your handlers, I guess):

submitted by rage to whatever 5 monthsDec 26, 2023 12:25:35 ago (+4/-3)     (whatever)

(Have some thick skin and don't be a nigger faggot)

Ya'll edujmacated motherfuckers took a long time to explain and come to the following conclusions:

1) The technology companies (henceforth: "technomonopolies") capture specialize in monetizing attention.

2) Technnomonopolies are all in an all-out intellectual property war for dominating attention. This is at minimum their most important priority.

3) "AI" is a fancy term for "contextual machine learning", or machine learning specialized in being trained on context and optimize ("show me the incentive, and I'll show you the outcome")

4) Dumb humans still need to lie, cheat, and steal - in no small part because this ensures control of the majority by the few. ("The incentive")

5) Bro, "building since 2017" is adorable. Machine learning was around in the ARPANET & "The Mesh" AKA Meshworks. Fuckin' SETI did this shit ago with FOH. Hint: Software Stratum History

6) Ya'll high mighterfuckers must need funding, because I notice you never explained how AI was contextually observing the Dophins & Whales. Intellectual property, baby! Cha-ching!

7) "Narrow optimization at the expense of the whole" is the fuckin' "Outcome" when the Technomonopolies harness this technology in an arms-race. Simple aggregates.

8) It's nothing new, "Government" has been ruling us by aggregate for as long as we have been able to record history.

9) Whoever wins this particular Manhattan project, is going to be unquestionably powerful.

10) Yal'll motherfuckers came to the right road, but then went offroad before you reached the goal - let the MACHINE optimize the gaps.

11) You goons want to control the ML for the same fuckin' purposes as the technomonopolies, and then change the outcome - letting the machine focus on the incentive. I get it.

12) Social Media is the worst dataset possible for your concept of "AI" you smooth brains. Ya'll just wanna control the message.

13) Ya'll are making a giant star table with decentralized horsepower. Super.

I see so many better outcomes than everything you've presented. I've got your entire governance schema outlined. You're too focused on what the technomonopolies are trying to wield to win this stage of evolution, and and appear to be oblivious to the inevitability of these things being co-opted (hi CIA, Mossad, China, etc) and wielded as weapons against humanity.

Simple solution: There is no perfect outcome, because human nature is chaotic. Use a machine to interface with the machine, and you solve for the things that society is missing.

I've already built the playbook. It'll reach a hell of a lot more than 100 million in 2 months. Add some zeores and make it days. PM me.

P.S. I even have a ML archtype that DDOSes the others with logic bombs (you're gonna love it).

This has been Rage,
"God Fuckin' Speed"
(Totally stolen, not my quote, you know who you are)

10 comments block

rage 0 points 5 months ago

Problem = harness contextual AI to control everyone.

Solution = harness contextual AI to give everyone an equal playing field by allowing the machine to analyze influence on every individual and contextualize their differences to allow them to both make better decisions and not get fucked by sophistry.

Weaponize the machine to interface with other machines, and eliminate the elite psychopath from the food chain entirely.