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Women ~~say~~ they want a man "over 6 feet" (as well as other ridiculous requirements) because the propaganda machine has picked numbers that are well into a bell curve where the numbers taper off, which excuses their shortcomings trying to match a man's sexual drive

submitted by osomperne to JustSaying 5 monthsDec 24, 2023 19:47:10 ago (+3/-1)     (files.catbox.moe)


and this only makes sense in an age where women are trying to be men (and remember, they only ever reach beta male status, which is why you see those female beta orbiters around attractive women at the bar; just because a dog barks at and chases cars doesn't mean there is meaning behind it once it catches up to the car)

women aren't smart enough to know why these numbers were given to them to make excuses for a lesser sex drive than men, but they know if they repeat it they think they've excused themselves on others' behalf.

Just saying.

3 comments block

february 29th would make more sense, but still wouldn't match jimmy's comment.

defend and justify your comment, knave!