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just found out that my mother has pre-leukemia and yes she is vaxxed, she is going to start chemo after new years

submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to Health 5 monthsDec 23, 2023 09:00:48 ago (+21/-0)     (Health)

this is the christmas gift and news that i didnt want to receive. my mother just told me that her doctor told her that she has pre leukemia. as the title says treatment will start after new years.

i'm numb right now because deep inside i was expecting this since she has been dealing with bone marrow issues for at least 2 years now. just yesterday her doctor gave her the news.

good thing that she is in high spirits and the doctor was optimist. she even told her that she could live with the condition for the remaining of her life.

that explains her body pains that started just 2 years ago,


70 comments block

That's right. I tried to steer them away from the shots in the most articulate and sensitive way I could, but it wasn't enough. My parents live by Fox News. I read through this post and it sounds like you're in a similar situation. Now the best we can do is be there for them for however much time we have left.