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about women (by someone)

submitted by boekanier to Women 5 monthsDec 19, 2023 09:46:35 ago (+19/-2)     (Women)

Neil Orange peel The Gay Hussar • 21 hours ago

Men (in general) have natural instincts to protect their families and property and therefore, are more likely to 'mistrust' anything not fully known to them.

Women (in general) tend to want to take care of everyone and everything (mothering). This is just nature.

Of course, you still get females with 'conservative' views (Thatcher etc), but they are the exception rather than the rule. Give me Maggie any day to run the UK, but putting feminists in control of a nation will utterly destroy it.



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Rogerborg Neil Orange peel • 16 hours ago

It goes deeper. In all human tribal conflicts since the fall from paradise, men on the losing side have been slaughtered wholesale, and women have opened their legs to the victors. Those who refused were killed too, and didn't pass on their genes.

The results of that selection pressure are clear. Men take conflict seriously, as our lives and genes are on the line. Women ask why we need borders and armies, subconsciously secure in the knowledge that they can just submit and survive.

This is why men must not allow women - particularly barren women and those with with no sons - to decide on their defence, or lack of it. May, Merkel, Mogherini, whatever female or fey-male has thrown open Sweden's borders, are simply incapable of comprehending the full consequences of their actions.

Because they are physically weak, and psychologically children who don't know what they want. They are gullible, irrational, and illogical, and they are more than willing to trade everyone's freedom and prosperity for the illusion of safety.

How is the pity working out for them in all of Europe and Scandinavia? Nobody has done anything to stop their gang rapes by foreign cavemen; in fact, the government has done everything possible to increase the incidence of stone age retard rape of helpless native women.

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