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I finally started talking to my dad about jews and the holocaust

submitted by I_am_baal to whatever 5 monthsDec 16, 2023 22:24:03 ago (+50/-1)     (whatever)

We touched on a handful of things including the ground penetrating radar examination of the Treblinka burial site, the wooden doors to the gas chambers, the census data indicating that the 6,000,000 number is fantasy, etc. I also touched on parts of the Talmud, the jewish role in the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, and a handful of other things. He's a history buff and has absorbed a lot of kiked history. So, this is going to be a long process most likely.

I also now know that my grandfather, whom I never really had the chance to know, was virulently antisemetic and racist. He always referred to blacks as niggers, never as blacks. He raised his family in a town where there was only one nigger, and my dad was 18 years old by the time he saw one for the first time. Whenever my grandfather met someone he really didn't like, he'd often refer to them as "Just another jew that Hitler missed." I feel pretty good about being that man's grandson.

Wish me luck, goats, and throw me some red pill ammunition if you've got a minute. There's decades of programming to tear down. My dad's a boomer, but he's my boomer.

50 comments block

The facts are essentially irrefutable. The psychological operations of generational inter-family dynamics are open wounds. That is some difficult shit America has to come out of...

We can't blame Jon Voight for having a parent he though he knew (Israel,) but he actually never knew.

This displacement is systemic.

Jon Voight
Truth and lies