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Let's do a little basic re-examination of life's necessities

submitted by Crackinjokes to Discussion 6 monthsDec 7, 2023 12:28:13 ago (+5/-1)     (Discussion)

Let's do a little basic re-examination of life's necessities.

Today we feel like we must have medical insurance go to the hospital and a doctor for every little thing you can't have babies without going to a hospital and being charged tens of thousands of dollars.

You must own the house. they must be connected to utilities which you will never fully pay as you get older and it will constantly exceed your ability to pay.

You'll never truly be able home and if you don't do all these things you will die a horrible death.

This is the basic assumption in America today.

Now for the reality

The people who settled this country had neither doctors or hospitals. They gave birth without hospitals. Children were free and they contributed to their wealth. They didn't need public education and they didn't need to go to the doctor.

it's very important to realize that we're for the most part with exception of early deaths from infectious disease and childbirth these people often lived longer and they certainly were healthier during their life then we are today.

Probably the most important realization to remember is the US medical system in sum total is a huge disadvantage and it's a myth. It's not needed. If you're scared you're going to die and you're constantly run to the doctor because you think it might die if you don't go see him then you need to look at this statistics of people who went to the doctor versus those who don't.

With the rare exception of an infection or an accident injury the people don't go to the doctor live longer than those who do.

Not only that the people who don't go to the doctor have much more wealth than people who do.

If you get on the medical doctor pharmaceutical programs that they try to force on you you will rapidly be drained of all your wealth.

If you insist on having insurance which will for most people be mostly used to pay for all the pharmaceutical drugs that are humming them rather than for any actual rare accident then you will also be drained of your wealth monthly. Smart choice is to avoid health insurance completely. If you get cancer or something and you choose treatment then you go out of the country it's much cheaper. Set aside The nest egg to pay for such a thing. Your worst case scenario if you're in some kind of an accident causes you extreme emergent bodily injury you have to go to the hospital and go hit with a lot of bills. Well worst case scenario you declare bankrupts. Cancel that is pretty rare if you're not stupid. If it's a car accident the other person's insurance is going to take care of most of that or you're uninsured motors insurance will.

Plus of course you deciding that you're going to go on the pharmaceutical trash if the doctors won't convince you up. You'll find those drugs harm you and cause you more health problems than they say. If you actually eat lean and avoid carbohydrates and sugar you're going to protect your heart and avoid a heart attack much more than any stupid drugs I give you if you don't believe me look up the results look up the stats.

So what's the correct way to live? Like the pioneers did. No health insurance. Avoid doctors unless you actually have an infection you need an antibiotic for because we live in a society that will not allow you to get an antibiotic without a doctor which in itself is a crock of s***. Avoid the regular homeowner track. Try to get yourself into an independent living situation that is much lower cost for as long as you can to save as much wealth as you can. There are a lot of creative ways to do that and quite frankly I'm not going to publicize them all because then they'll get overwhelmed and they'll be stopped by government authorities as they already are in some states. But there are many ways to avoid the cost of regular housing while having a shelter over here. Most of them are actually more fun than renting an apartment.

Point is you've been brainwashed to be scared if you don't do a lot of things that are actually going to harm you. Elon Musk is really good about something he calls getting science and engineering back to First principles. Don't start from what they already tell you but start from the very basics. How much is the cost of the metal needed to make a rocket. That is your lowest cost. Well with a living you need to get back to First principles at the pioneers had. Look at what they did without. And that's all you really need to live your life and actually enjoy it. All I'm saying is start looking at that. Don't just go with the flow. Just because your job says oh don't you want health insurance don't be scared to not have it. Be scared to not go to the doctor every damn year for your checkup where they find something that they can put you on a drug for. You're going to die anyway so you might as well die without the doctors. You might as well die with a little money in your pocket.

6 comments block

Thanks Val.

I really do eat well. Almost no processed foods. Closest thing to fast food I eat is pizza once a month. I've got vices. I drink too much beer, I smoke too many cigarettes. I eat shrooms about twice a year, but I don't consider that a vice. Whatever it is, it's fine. I only worry about it because it takes me out of work for a day, and bills need to get paid. I really don't want to leave my wife alone in this world, she's a little retarded. I mean, I am too just in different ways. I'm not actively killing myself, I don't want to die. I've just come to peace with it because I've been surrounded by it my whole life. I'm fine.