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The u.s. government is so utterly lawless and unaccountable it is utterly fucking breathtaking. The outrages are coming daily now. If any one of us pulled stunts like these, especially being moderate or right-wing even, we'd be in federal prison...for decades. officials are completely unaccountable

submitted by anon to AnonTalk 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 15:00:51 ago (+5/-1)     (pic8.co)


From top to bottom, it is just open looting now.
Without a single fucking shot fired by "journalists".
And not a single fucking thing done by the DOJ, because its participating in its own crimes (political prosecutions).

They're completely outside the law. Congressmen, senators, judges, unelected officials in the DHS, the DOJ, the DOD, the FBI, and more.

Why should they be protected from the consequences of the law by appeals to their position when their position is naked racketeering?

3 comments block

anon 3 points 6 months ago

We know they've been organized since the 1960's to destroy industrialized nations. That means White nations.

HIV in the blood was the Clintons and Paul Martin in Canada working with a jew named Thomas Hecht. It was no accident.

The Iraq oil for food scam would have had American, French, Canadian and other politicians in jail except the gang been appointing the heads of agencies responsible for prosecuting them.

Johnson and Johnson bred a super addictive poppy in Tasmania and governments upped the importation quota to commit mass murder. A few years later they lined up to be injected with a magic mystery science sauce from people who think tarot card readings are science.

Calling enabling drug use destigmatize worked on people who are taught by universal schooling not to think. It's so bad, they think letting their kids smoke drugs will prevent them from becoming alcoholics.

Canadian city residents live with daily stabbings by random strangers and hollywood movie stars threaten to run away to Canada if every American doesn't vote as they order them to. Canadians have guns too, would rather be stabbed to death because they're in the pre communist civil war crazyland too.

Just about any small group could start killing politicians and internatinal bankers any day and nobody would bat an eye. The anti Christian, mostly Mormon zionist security agencies are the bankers lapdog, so what anyone does to them is up for grabs.