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Does anyone else notice ChatGPT tends to babble about diversity?

submitted by oppressed to ChatGPT 7 monthsOct 14, 2023 17:39:37 ago (+5/-0)     (ChatGPT)

Like, constantly. I use GPT to generate skeleton outlines for tutoring work I do and it just CANNOT stop talking about diversity in every single context, all the time, even when it is completely irrelevant.

"Why are you interested in attending x college?"

A: While [tangentally related fact to the notes I provided on the target major], I am most interested in the diversity of the school, the diversity will allow me to take diverse notes from a diverse environment.

"What quote about community action most inspires you?"

A: (I had to submit four different versions of notes to stop GPT from completely ignoring this prompt and spamming a Maya Angelou quote about diversity with zero relevance)

"Tell me about a challenge you had and how it impacted you."
A: I had to negotiate between [two sentences of information about the challenge details provided]. This experience taught me to understand diverse perspectives and work with people from varied backgrounds to promote a more equitable and diverse experience for all.

I feel like some engineer at some point over the last 6 months took a hammer and nailed a placard 'DIVERSITY' into chatgpt's mainframe and now it tries to inject random DEI comments into absolutely everything it says.>>

from https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/177tgc4/does_anyone_else_notice_chatgpt_tends_to_babble/

7 comments block

Yeah it's how you know it's inorganic and not objective. That shit doesn't matter irl