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Our only choice is a civil war

submitted by Conspirologist to TellTalk 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 15:23:06 ago (+34/-7)     (TellTalk)

I'm old. I don't give a fuck. I know our only choice is a civil war. Nobody gives a fuck because the majority here are teens who only think about sex. The funny thing is we would win a civil war against degenerate perverts, because they can't fight. The sad thing is we will never fight the degenerate perverts, because the majority are brainwashed morons.

54 comments block

Merlynn 0 points 8 months ago

1. Teens today are less interested in sex than any previous generation. Probably because of all the fucked up shit they're being taught in school about anal sex and being a faggot.

2. While they can't fight,that doesn't make the gun in their hand any less deadly and any idiot can get a lucky shot. Never give them a target and reclaim the shadows. Stop being so "honorable" to scum who will do anything to get ahead. They're ruthless to an unbelievable degree and should be treated as such.