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AfroTech: Akon Says ‘Every Single African American Would Be A Millionaire’ If They Fully Invest In Africa

submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to Niggers 9 monthsSep 10, 2023 09:16:46 ago (+21/-0)     (finance.yahoo.com)


afrotech? 😂😂

Many countries would be willing to invest $1,000 per person to pay for the one way plane ticket to make this dream a reality. The US would need to invest about $50 billion on the airfare, but would save trillions long term. The return on investment would be better than buying Amazon stock 20 years ago.

from the comments lmao

15 comments block

Just tell the ‘fathers’ they can live like Kangz by selling off their kids to become child soldiers to mercenaries. That’s like playing in the NBA here. Guaranteed expat.