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rage 10000000%

submitted by anon to AnonTalk 9 monthsAug 29, 2023 01:10:45 ago (+41/-1)     (files.catbox.moe)


12 comments block

anon 1 points 9 months ago

Strange. There was no mention of any illegals in the press.

According to Sergeant Tyler Ross of the Ohio State Highway Patrol, a Honda Odyssey was heading east when it veered left of center and into the path of a school bus heading west.
The bus tried to avoid the car by driving onto the shoulder, but they collided anyhow.
The school bus collided with another vehicle, went off the road to the right, and flipped over.
After leaving the right side of the road, the Honda also eventually stopped.

See? No murderous migrants at all. It was the car's fault. Probably had an internal combustion engine too I'll bet! When are they ever going to outlaw these deadly "assault sedans"? Fo' da earf! Fo' da chirruns!

Besides, look at that face. "Mostly White", Hermanio Joseph, 35, of Mexico, killed a White kid.
It's another classic case of "Mostly White" on "White" violence. Nothing to see here. Move along...move along...