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Accidentally redpilled my gf on gun laws in NYC

submitted by CovidHoldout to Rants 10 monthsAug 14, 2023 09:42:01 ago (+17/-0)     (Rants)

She lives in the NYC area, and she was so excited to get some guns one day. This was after she came back from some super gun friendly areas. Turns out being exposed to guns makes you much less scared of them, and 99% of the reason NYers dont have them, is because they never had any experience with them.

Then I showed her the mountain of paperwork she needs to have just to be able to attempt to possess a gun, and she was left in awe. This didn't even cover the other pile of paperwork to buy the damn gun, just to hold/carry/own a firearm, the most basic. It's such a long and extreme process, i looked at it and said nope, not happening. It would take 1.5 years or more, with zero guarantee just to get the permits. Per NYC:

After you purchase your gun, you have 72 hours to return to the License Division to have the gun inspected. This 72 hours includes weekends as well, so don’t delay. Make sure the firearm is unloaded with the trigger locked and in a locked case.

You can buy a new pistol, revolver, or handgun every 90 days.[11] To purchase another gun, you must complete a Purchase Authorization Request Form and submit it to the License Division. They will then send you a Purchase Authorization form, which you take to the FFL dealer. It generally takes about 45-60 days to get approval.

If you have a handgun license, you can request that your personal information not be made publicly available by completing an FOIL exemption form.

It's amazing how cognitive dissonance work when seen in person, especially after the mexican who shot up manhattan, or the high crimes. But a citizen having a gun is verboten! The thing is criminals still have guns, so all this crap is just a massive tax grab on citizens, its meant to dissuade as many people from having guns and fleecing as much money as possible from them when they try.

13 comments block

Every time shit starts to get a little turbulent you have some idiot liberals, get scared, suddenly decide that "their" life is important and they start showing up at the gun shops wanting to buy a gun, "Right now!", because they believe it when the media tells them it's easy.

Then they get their eyes opened to what all of that "common sense gun control" shit they've been supporting really means to them personally, and that the conspiracy yahoos were right all along.