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Lighter from Vietnam

submitted by gaperglory to ThatIsAll 9 monthsAug 13, 2023 00:22:54 ago (+9/-1)     (files.catbox.moe)


2 comments block

I think Vietnam was about drafting and killing young white men. And I think whoever this lighter belonged to deserved to be home, safe, like you sitting at your keyboard.
Vietnam vets don't get nearly the respect and medical attention they deserve. THEY WERE FORCED TO DIE FOR THE JEW. They didn't sign up like the retards that join up nowadays...

What worse fate could belie a young white American man?

Hey you. Yeah you. You were picked. You're probably going to die in the jungle for a war no one gives a fuck about and has no point, so our military contractors can stay rich and we can simulateously appear anti-communist.

The words on this lighter are based as fuck and DEAD ON for the times.