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Has anybody noticed twitters new logo? THE DOUBLE CROSS...

submitted by gaperglory to jewology101 10 monthsAug 2, 2023 01:07:05 ago (+4/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


This is classic jewish symbolism. exxon does the same shit.

Elon Musk is the devil. He will bring the world to it's knees. Watch and see. Hes a smart jew, and a cunning manipulator. Worst of all, hes likeable if your dumb enough to not realize what he's doing. This snake is the most dangerous jew on the planet right now.

4 comments block

Or, it represents the Greek letter 'chi', and is the first letter in the Greek word for Christ, hence "Xmas". It would not actually be an English 'X'.

And are you kidding me? Talmudites hate anything that resembles the cross. Hence the etymology of "kike" to describe their choice to write a 'circle' instead of an 'x' on forms.