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Hell Update - My father murdered me in 1959 I met Jesus who brought me back, God spoke and said he would grant one wish I asked for a guided tour of Hell .. out of those I released in 2022 about 200 including Napoleon, Franco, Hitler, Winston Churchill and Philip the Duke of Edinburgh have reentered

submitted by MartinTimothy to whatever 10 monthsAug 6, 2023 02:13:00 ago (+0/-5)     (forum.searchvoat.co)


Thus about nine hundred including Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan, Roy Cohn and Meyer Lansky have stayed away with plenty of others too numerous to list, Michael Aquino is gone Anton LaVey remains. There are now three sufferers in the permanent women's section above the OD, the latest is an Indian woman placed beside HRH QE - making both the patriarch and the matriarch of the current Royal line in Hell to stay - and one other.


Whereas at this time there are no souls in the fire of Hell the last ones numbering about twenty were released after only a few weeks a few weeks ago, there are giants in the main body of Hell along with those who tumble in thru the four doors as per the description above who are in there for about an hour. Beside the permanent human residents who have been removed from the now empty "Zaqqum Tree" place .. the "Pit of Hell" the circular region formerly the home of fallen angels is now occupied by a single alien resident who more than anything resembles "The Incredible Hulk." Edit.

5 comments block

excellent schizopost, keep em comin