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We Made a Strange and Toxic Society | The Vortex

submitted by carnold03 to RomanCatholicism 10 monthsAug 1, 2023 09:33:30 ago (+0/-2)     (www.youtube.com)


#We Made a Strange and Toxic Society | The Vortex

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Americans must change it for the better.

As we continue to highlight the bishops' malfeasance toward those in their charge, even in the realm — perhaps especially in the realm — of politics, we should ask, why does it really matter?

Here's why: People live their day-to-day lives in a culture, a society, like fish live in water. It's impossible to swim through the water and not be impacted by it. If it's dirty or the temperature changes, the fish are impacted.

By analogy, we can say the same thing about humans swimming through the culture. And for the moment, we are confining the analogy to simply the natural world, not the supernatural role of grace and so on.

No human society is even close to perfect, but some are better than others in creating an environment where man's better angles can be encouraged — a love of arts, philosophy, friendships and so forth. The stuff of a culture, the cult.

There is an entire psychological reality that springs forth from a healthy culture. When the culture gets sick (think of the water getting polluted), that psychology starts to be invaded, weakened, and becomes susceptible to being taken over.

I don't want to make this a Democrat versus Republican thing, because it's really not. But at the end of the day, one of those two parties promulgates a psychologically sick society. The other doesn't push back, or at least not enough.

Primary Video source and transcript continues here: https://www.churchmilitant.com/video/episode/vort-we-made-a-strange-and-toxic-society

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