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Not one single elected American politician has ever objected to the demographic replacement of White people, and in fact they have all unanimously supported it.

submitted by oppressed to WhiteNationalism 10 monthsJul 25, 2023 11:17:07 ago (+50/-1)     (WhiteNationalism)

Not one single elected American politician has ever objected to the demographic replacement of White people, and in fact they have all unanimously supported it.

This includes all the White politicians who were alive during the Fall of the White Race, which are the past 60 years.

One minor exception is the legendary Dr. David Duke.

Anti-racism is the prime cause of no one supporting White Nationalist issues. Anti-racism is like a mind-virus that destroys White DNA by causing more and more diversity, and there's no innoculation or resistance against it.

Under the scam ideology of "anti-racism" that dominates all Western mainstream media, White people are not allowed to value their race at all yet must value all non-White races.

We can see how this mind virus results in the UnGreat Replacement.

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deleted -1 points 10 months ago
