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We lost a good woman today

submitted by ItsOk2bArian to PureFuckingKikery 12 monthsJun 7, 2023 02:50:35 ago (+36/-0)     (PureFuckingKikery)

My best friends Wife has succumb to her rare Jew only Cancer. Great great great grandma was a crypto kike. She had to do extensive research to learn that.
Now a hundred years later the Jew strikes from the grave. Her father is also dieing from a different rare genetic Jew Cancer. An entire branch of family lineage has ended.
My inner circle of friends/family is devastated. She was a Matriarch and caretaker to all.
I'm leaving out a lot, just venting into the void.
You faggots get it.
Remember goys, khazar milkers will end your family tree, even if it takes them generations after their death to do it

39 comments block

WTF is a jew only cancer