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Suggestion: Feed based on keywords

submitted by The_Reunto to TalkDev 10 monthsJul 19, 2023 16:58:17 ago (+2/-0)     (TalkDev)

I think it would be interesting to have the option for a feed that is based on chosen keywords instead of subs. E.g. each user would have a wordbank and the feed populates with posts that either have the word in the title or in the post description.

For instance, I prefer to follow certain topics like Christianity, but because these posts aren't always thrown in the same subverse it becomes hard to find what I am looking for in every case.

Yes, you could manually look for specific terms one by one, but I believe there is value in having a feed that would based on a range of user-chosen keywords. Especially if it were a tab up at the top beside "hot/new/bump"

Just a thought.


3 comments block

You're right, hashtags need to be added somehow (typically manually) As I understand it the reason hashtags exist is it's easier to implement than what you described as far as indexing and resource consumption.

Just picking your desired words and searching the full text takes longer, and once you have enough users doing it you're basically DDOSing yourself with the database trying to keep up. Hashtags get around this in a number of ways, but that's the general idea behind why they exist.