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Some statistics on America's White Genocide epidemic: U.S. Approval of Interracial Marriage at New High of 94%

submitted by oppressed to WhiteNationalism 11 monthsJul 14, 2023 18:55:29 ago (+1/-2)     (WhiteNationalism)

U.S. Approval of Interracial Marriage at New High of 94%


About ~5% of whites, or 11 million people, were willing to tell pollsters that they agree with the Alt-Right in ~2016. 

Sleepwalking into a Non-White Future


A contrarian poll:

84 Percent of Trump Voters Are Worried About Discrimination Against Whites


2 comments block

i dont know why you are hostile towards me other than if you are an antiChrist satancuck, like so much of voat is.

some of your points are ok, but obviously 752 Whites should not have been counted when they wanted a sample equivalent to the demographics of the country.