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You can't change the world unless you have access to millions of people who don't want to be reached the way television and youtube have

submitted by oppressed to WhiteNationalism 11 monthsJul 14, 2023 19:00:50 ago (+3/-2)     (WhiteNationalism)

Television, youtube, and social media are able to reach millions of people who don't want to be reached with its messages.

You can't change the world unless you have access to millions of people who don't want to be reached the way television and social media have. A website like Amren doesn't have such access.

Youtube has a recommended videos list that everybody gets to see. You needed White Nationalist videos to be promoted there, and WN content allowed on youtube.

Every new issue and government policy that gains acceptance is preceded by television propaganda about it.

A small minority never changes the world unless television or social media give a platform to its grievances.

White advocates are not allowed to have such access to the masses.

6 comments block

You can’t change the world unless you get to ride shotgun on the short bus?