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What if there was a White city somewhere that just passed laws to remain White? Such a city wouldn't be "racist", it would be awesome. We could just name it the City of Awesome, and give the streets names like Fabulous.

submitted by oppressed to WhiteNationalism 11 monthsJul 9, 2023 18:06:19 ago (+16/-0)     (WhiteNationalism)

What if there was a White city somewhere that just passed laws to remain White?

Such a city wouldn't be "racist", it would be awesome.

We could just name it the City of Awesome, and give the streets names like Fabulous.

26 comments block

Sadly, the American government no longer recognizes the constitutional promise of freedom of association.

You are not allowed to choose who you sell your home to. The law will be ruled unconstitutional once we reach South African levels of diversity and it no longer benefits the blacks.