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Titan transcript leak (alleged), analysis

submitted by chrimony to whatever 11 monthsJul 5, 2023 20:14:42 ago (+24/-1)     (www.youtube.com)


If the transcript is real (and at first blush, it seems legit) then the crew spent the last 20 minutes of their lives trying to get back to the surface before critical failure. Monitoring lights went red, descending too fast. Emergency ascent rate was very slow. Ominous sounds coming from aft.

Given the thickness of the hull, it probably failed like a dam, letting in water through cracks, before failing badly enough to implode.

36 comments block

aekotra 10 points 11 months ago

letting in water through cracks

Lol ZERO chance of this happening.

It's not going to behave like a dam. It's going to behave like a bomb. The very instant there is a "crack" large enough to pass air through let alone a drop of water, that pressure hull will completely disintegrate.