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Took a vacation from white supremacy and naming the kike and did some self-reflection.

submitted by RobertJHarsh to WhiteNationalism 1 yearJun 1, 2023 23:24:43 ago (+12/-0)     (WhiteNationalism)

I found out I got shadow banned on goyimtv for some odd reason so I gassed my own accounts there and on gab, shing, and odysee. I dunno. I've thrown flyers, donated to GDL and creators but the shadow ban bothers me. While I don't think HT, White Tuber, Weston Paradigm, or anyone else is a fed I find a lot of recent behavior and events suspect. DA's don't issue warrants for littering. I also can't understand why the bulk of them can't figure out that Zelensky isn't one of our guys. He's a gay faggot pushing zionism. He's a Zionist owned tool. I literally got death threats in chats for posting that. It's not like it's hard to find any of this. Even wikipedia still has who created Asov posted.

It's like back in the day when TRS and Mike the Kike (pathetic and easily defeated paywall) was trashing the Northwest Front. I reached out a couple of times to TRS people and all of them were in the "fuck the NF camp". These creators are fighting for the very little money real white nationalists have left and are trashing each other. Same shit, different day. What's sad is these white people don't have the money to give and they are just so defeated and tired and these people are taking advantage.

Now HT has said many times to stop fighting and unify and I respect that but his mods and mods on odysee white nationalists channels are clearly think otherwise. Night Nation Review is banking on making a living off this and that is not what's about. The guy also comes off as pretty smug asshole. White Tuber, while very entertaining, is doing the same thing. Flood's deep fakes are good but 99% of it is preaching to the choir. NNR is clearly on the TRS paywall route.

I did donate to the NF. I wish I had the chance to meet Harold Covington. I still think the NF is still only option left to us but very few others think so. These people think kicking the kikes out of America will fix this and that is never happening. There is only one way that happens and no one is going to do that.

I still lurk but do I create a new accounts and start over with telegram and GDL, knowing the same result is likely or just say fuck it, move to Washington state and hope Covington's solution was the right one?

17 comments block

Part of me still thinks when Ukraine goes under the Pols will jump into it's former territories, as peacekeepers, and take them back. But when Hungary and Belarus do the same thing is when US and NATO will get their shit stuck in their asses and go ape shit. This is going to end up being another Yugoslavia.

One would think that the US and NATO are going to look real stupid since they just bet Ukraine and lost it all. Anyone who wanted Khazaria back will be pissed but either a) the US/NATO wanted this or b) they just don't care and the whole thing was just an exercise is military consooomerism.