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Family Of College Student Who Died From COVID-19 Vaccine Sues Biden Administration and the DOD

submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to Health 1 yearJun 3, 2023 00:21:05 ago (+7/-0)     (12ft.io)


U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) officials wrongly promoted COVID-19 vaccination by repeatedly claiming the available vaccines were “safe and effective,” relatives of George Watts Jr., the college student, said in the new lawsuit.

That promotion “duped millions of Americans, including Mr. Watts, into being DOD’s human subjects in its medical experiment, the largest in modern history,” the suit states.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act allows lawsuits against certain people if they have engaged in “willful misconduct” and if that misconduct caused death or serious injury.


2 comments block

Some people won't get it, you just have to nod your head and say your right.

that's exactly what i did. i'm not planning to bring up the subject anymore. at least i will try. he thinks genocide is something of third world countries that this will never ever happen here because the flag is pretty i guess