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Zion Don pandering to random jews at his golf course

submitted by NationalSocialism to zionistpuppet 1 yearMay 18, 2023 22:55:11 ago (+5/-1)     (files.catbox.moe)


1 comments block

What is even more scary about that...

Well known fact on talk/voat

Jews are Jews, if they are attacked, they will all huddle together and cry anti-(((some bullshit or another))) or some relation to a phobia. Homo/Trans/ (((Insert new word here))).

Attack one, and they will garner all of their (((unique identity))) to absolutely destroy that individual across any line they control, which unfortunately is quite prodigious.


Yes, they will argue amongst themselves, as there are many factions, just don't cross any as a Gentile, unless you are prepared to deal with them as a full force, they will work to destroy you, and even if it is certain "factions", understand that they will side with the semitic tribe over a gentile 99.999999998% of the time.
(Yeah, I only have life experience for the stat, so that is completely useless)

Now, the kikes that Trumpstein is playing footsies with, without a doubt are the most vitriolic / deranged practitioners of the Synagogue of Satan, or at the very least, the most fervent.

I'l leave that as it is, no predictions, no fear porn, make of it as you will. To me you are being given the option of a shit sandwich, or a shit sandwich with some disgusting 3 yr. old mayo.

But sure, we'll vote our way out of this, I'm shore, like the jew Pauley...