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alex jones is either a master agit-prop agent or a good man trying to do the right thing. i have no idea which.

submitted by drstrangegub to whatever 1 yearMay 17, 2023 13:36:55 ago (+5/-4)     (banned.video)


he is discussing musk with one of crowders people in this one. i think musk should sell twitter to a country that has booted the commies for a bargain basement price. it would be hilarious to see the deep state shit bricks when one their enemies gain access to one of their tools and its information. maybe people will start talking about the importance of their information if a foreign power gets control of it.

17 comments block

He's a mixed bag. Back in the day he linked Israel to 9/11. At some point he learned you don't talk about jews, and became a Zionist. I think his primary concern is making money and filling air time, which is why he peddles junk pills and talks about whatever conspiracy theory he thinks is popular (and hence became known for Sandy Hook and interdimensional demons, among other things). I do think he has a visceral hate for the modern left, though.