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Goats - I Think I'm In Over My Head On a Prettying Serious Situation

submitted by Scyber to whatever 1 yearMay 6, 2023 18:20:48 ago (+43/-3)     (whatever)

4 days ago I was drinking with 2 friends and we started bullshitting and talking about music fests, ideas and names.
I started drunk rambling about how we could have a mini Warped Tour type fest at a local skatepark in a warehouse. I started brainstorming suggestions on how to pull it off and that it could be an annual thing.

Well, one of my friends took it too far and yesterday he called the owner of said skatepark who loved the idea so much that he texted me and I called him back and we talked for 20 minutes about how it could be done.
Now word has spread online and I'm getting messages on social media from bands I've never heard of, and my friend wants me to meet with the owner of the skatepark next week to discuss the details further.

What went from a stupid joke has evolved into something that I've never done before.

I'm a musician and occasionally work as a stagehand for a medium sized venue so I know how to run a show, but not a full blown festival with 10+ bands at a skatepark that might have food trucks and merch vendors.

I don't know what to do or how to back out of this but now that this rumor has spread like a wildfire online, I'm feeling obligated to go with it so I don't disappoint anyone or any bands.

Fuck. I don't know what to do...

100 comments block

This is opportunity knocking down your door. Stay honest about your capabilities but don't downplay what you know how to do. This is your chance to ride a wave to something big. You can do it. This is how you become "THAT GUY" that runs festivals. It's scary, it should be. Face it like a man. You've got this.