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Former Fulton County Sheriff's Office deputy, 11 others found guilty of PPP fraud

submitted by ymihere to whatever 1.2 yearsApr 19, 2023 10:26:41 ago (+5/-0)     (www.fox5atlanta.com)


Guess the race? I searched and I never saw photos of the individuals in the news broadcasts or articles…only other photos and names listed give me a clue…other than Fulton county…

4 comments block

I seriously don't even blame them. I mean, not that they did it because they realized the government was voluntarily raping the economy and fucking us over for the next 30 plus years. But just the same. I would have done the same thing, I just knew they were going to steal back everything they could in the aftermath, and the paper trail would be way too blatant for them to consider it too expensive to prosecute.