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Anon Bug

submitted by Monica to TalkDev 1.2 yearsApr 18, 2023 10:53:40 ago (+3/-0)     (TalkDev)


Brave Browser

I am logged in and went into the /anon sub and was going to reply to a post. I clicked the button to turn off the anon to see what would happen. The popup came up that said "whatever the popup says ..." and I canceled it. Then I started typing up something. I decided not to post it.

I then clicked on the "Voat" logo that goes to the frontpage. Everything on the page: usernames and subs were all anon.

anonwhatever, askanon, anontalk, etc... Subs I've never been to. I'm probably going to have to logout to reset it back to normal.

edit: After posting this the frontpage came up and looked normal with usernames and regular subs but if I click on the Voat logo it still goes to anon usernames and anon subs only.

Logging out and logging back in fixed it.

12 comments block

Monica 1 points 1.2 years ago

That's a tough one. On one hand anon is good because of the privacy and the other hand you get anonymous trolls.