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Proposal to call troons

submitted by NuckFiggers to Troons 1.2 yearsApr 6, 2023 23:22:19 ago (+11/-0)     (Troons)

I propose we call shehes Adrian Hales and heshes Anderson Aldrichs because

- This reminds everyone that every trannie is a mass killer waiting to happen

- It associates dickcutters and zippertits with mass murder

- It's a whole hell of a lot easier than Female-to-male and male-to-female so people have to stop and figure it out.

- It keeps the killers' names alive (I noticed they are already trying to scrub the name of the heshe and the real name of the shehe.

- It warns kids of their dangers and to keep away

5 comments block

Troons already have their counter propaganda ready: a chart comparing three tranny mass shootings to 2500 nigger mass shooting in three years. They don't call them nigger shootings but it lets them dismiss this. Need to dig more to find out how many niggers are shooting up "down low" night clubs.