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Physician Assistant Fired for Reporting COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Events to VAERS

submitted by knightwarrior41 to Health 1.2 yearsMar 20, 2023 19:46:02 ago (+17/-0)     (12ft.io)


For her efforts to report injuries to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) and to educate others in her hospital system on doing the same, Physician Assistant Deborah Conrad said she was labeled an anti-vaxxer and fired from her job.

Today, the New York-based Conrad tells her story at medical freedom conferences throughout the country, the most recent being one in Mississippi where physicians, scientists, and the vaccine injured warned state lawmakers to pull the COVID-19 vaccines from the market

2 comments block

these concoctions are exempt from lawsuits. so the vaxxed are on their own. i dont know what else to say.i'm not a lawyer nor a doctor but one thing i do. these ppl are fucked even if they dont show any symptoms in the first 2-3 years.

my mother has issues with her bone marrow just after she got vaxxed and boosted since this whole bs started.

i tried to tell them all. only 1 brother listened to me. the rest are fucked in the near and long shot.