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"Long covid" is just a cover up for vaccine-caused injuries

submitted by PoundOfFlesh to Covidicences 1.3 yearsMar 7, 2023 13:10:27 ago (+56/-2)     (Covidicences)

I saw this video yesterday about a prominent youtuber who has been ill for a few months. They're saying she has Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) as a result of "long covid". But every time I see people talking about "long covid" they don't specify if the affected person took the jab or not.


It's a recurring theme - people have inexplicable illnesses and it's immediately blamed on "long covid" without any justification or rationalization beyond that. The media makes sure to focus on "long covid" and never mention vaccines in the same breath because they of course are protecting their financiers.

And like usual everyone's falling for the spin because most people aren't ready to accept what most of us here knew from the beginning.

48 comments block

You keep thinking that everything and everyone is lying to you about the world you never fucking see.
No, I know that everything on television, and any curated section of the internet is a lie. I know this through a combination of my own observations, legal doctrine that makes it lawful to use propaganda on the population, and dissenters being silenced despite having empirical evidence.
Those that mimic what is broadcast through television, or the curated parts of the internet, I know have either fallen for the mass lies, or are working for the same groups.
You telling me covid kills people, is functionally no different then people telling me niggers are anything but genocidal, cannibalistic, rape apes.
The difference between you and the average joe however, is that while the average joe finds me extreme, they do not wish death on me. This is also how I know you are a part of the latter group, that you are working for the same groups.

of course your one off experience makes you an expert because.....well you know everything.
It's not a one off, just the most easily viewable from an outside perspective. The other observation is from my own reactions to low oxygen.
I had seizures when I was young, and it seems to have made me very sensitive to decreases in oxygen, at least in comparison to other people.
I've gone spelunking in old mines, and lava tubes with friends in the past, and in most cases I would come out dizzy while my friends were fine. The worst case however they had to drag me out, and I was unable to talk for about 20 minutes according to them. I don't have much memory of it so I can't say how accurate that time is.