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Scott Adams: "The best advice I would give to White people... is to get the hell away from black people."

submitted by chrimony to whatever 1.3 yearsFeb 23, 2023 15:18:28 ago (+93/-1)     (files.catbox.moe)


This is not a deep fake. Here's the link to the original ThemTube video, which will probably be taken down, but it's up for now: https://youtu.be/K6TnAn7qV1s?t=945

Scott Adams redeems himself here. This makes up for all the excuses for being late on the vaxx. He has finally shed the boomer crust from his eyes. He's got fuck you money, and he's actually making use of it.

60 comments block

Sector7 0 points 1.3 years ago

I'm looking at the lack of reaction now and wondering how tough things would have to get for a general awareness of the needful to take root.