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This project veritas expose is just too perfect! Did this guy just deliberately turn whistleblower, or is he really that fucking stupid?

submitted by GeneralDisarray to Covidicences 1.4 yearsFeb 2, 2023 23:31:39 ago (+2/-0)     (Covidicences)

This executive is very high up. He holds a lot of the responsibility for all the deaths and disability the jabs caused.

He took part in the largest crime against humanity in human history at the highest levels, and he gets caught out just as the normies are calling for accountability. That's just a bit too convenient for my liking.

But if he just came out as a whistleblower to PV they wouldn't be able to hide who he was. He was just too high up. So what if they planned this whole thing out. Like he would get shitfaced and openly discuss shocking facts on hidden camera.

If he came out publicly as a whistleblower he would be dead already!

This way he can probably live long enough to be put in the witness protection program while lighting a fire under every other person that knows the ugly truth. Potentially starting a rush for the door that blows the lid off.

When he is slurring in the latest video it sounds too much. Like he is acting it up. Trying to sound drunk. He is completely unguarded and spills the beans on shit that could cost him everything. He says way more than he should.

I think this guy may have actually turned whistleblower.

What do you goats think about this prospect?

7 comments block

Very good, glad you and your loved ones haven’t fallen prey to these kikes: