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Who here is aware that conspirolgist is dyslexic?

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to whatever 1.3 yearsFeb 11, 2023 13:14:08 ago (+14/-1)     (whatever)

He claims everyone here knows that. Today is the first time I've heard of it. Maybe I'm not paying attention, but I suspect that multiple people use that account.

Y'all know I don't dramafag, not much at least. When I see what looks and smells like bullshit, I'm gonna try to make sure the real users don't step in it.

24 comments block

muhd 1 points 1.3 years ago

It's a semi-managed account that many people share. There are many uses for it, including demoralization and data mining. The best example of the bots, and where the account originates from, can be found at godlikeproductions.com which is GLP.

The off topic responses in this thread are telling.