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We have a new distraction/disruption bot, and people need to be reminded "YOU NEVER RESPOND TO A DISTRACTION BOT."

submitted by we_kill_creativity to TellTalk 1.4 yearsFeb 5, 2023 15:12:25 ago (+69/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


You genuinely can not win against these kinds of accounts because any response AT ALL is what they want. You can insult better than you've ever insulted anyone, and they still win.

Their goal is for you to waste your energy spinning your wheels against them instead of learning and sharing truth, love and hating kikes. They're probably not even a human, but a software program, or worse, a CIA intern.

Once you see them for what they are, they're impossible to not see when they pop up.

46 comments block

muhd 0 points 1.4 years ago

This is the right way. It's okay to call out the bot for the purpose of notifying the rest of the forum, but don't waste any energy replying to it.

One of the best examples of bots posting is on government run and owned godlikeproductions.com (also reached at godlike.com). Many people have posted over the years about this psy-op forum.

@Conspirologist is the most subversive account on here, partially bot-run. It's primary goal is posting info that could potentially be plausible, but is not and only in interest of the State. It's also staff of the above website, abbreviated GLP (to make future searches of this critical information easier).
