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White GeNOcide in perspective:

submitted by oppressed to WhiteGenocide 1.4 yearsFeb 2, 2023 17:34:32 ago (+7/-0)     (WhiteGenocide)

White GeNOcide in perspective:
It takes 128 people in today's America to contribute to the genetics of a White child born 7 generations from now. 64 people for 6 generations from now. So consider how likely is it that 128 people in a family tree over the next 175 years (7 gens x 25 years per gen) will always mate with only a pure white in a country as racially diverse as USA. Not probable, especially when miscegenation is so tolerated and sometimes favored by “anti-racists.” There will be almost no more white people.

2 comments block

I bet you cant defend any of that nonsense. Accurately understanding the problems facing White people is not whatever you're complaining about.