Exactly! How can they be allowed to investigate a judge, but the only people that judge is allowed to go to, to report a crime…. Is them?
This is exactly how you know the entire system is run through a central group of order givers. Because there’s so much complexity for the system to work against Jews,but it just never does.
Guaranteed every year there’s faggot judges that report based cops to the feds all the time, and it simply works out fine for the faggot judge.
3Whuurs 0 points 1.8 years ago
How can they be allowed to investigate a judge, but the only people that judge is allowed to go to, to report a crime…. Is them?
This is exactly how you know the entire system is run through a central group of order givers. Because there’s so much complexity for the system to work against Jews,but it just never does.
Guaranteed every year there’s faggot judges that report based cops to the feds all the time, and it simply works out fine for the faggot judge.