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23 comments block

FreeinTX 0 points 1.4 years ago

how war breaks out

Jews pay money to other jews, fighting starts. Look at Ukraine. See WW1, WW2, Vietnam (French Connection), Korea, Falkin Islands, Iraq 1, Iraq 2, Kwuiat, Yemen, Lebanon, Look at who created Hamas and why. I could list a 1000 fucking wars started in the exact same way for the exact same reason.

Like Mel said, "Every major war in history was started by the jews."

But no, let's all ignore that, and let's gather around and read your dumb fuck theories on white supremacists starting wars for white nationalism. And of course, don't ask for examples, cause there are none.

The IRA was created by British Intelligence, the same way and for the same fucking reason HAMAS was created by Israel and the Muslim Brotherhood was created by the CIA. And, it has fuck all to do with freedom and liberty.