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Who actually believes that decriminalizing drugs reduces usage rates?

submitted by Immovable to whatever 1.8 yearsJan 22, 2023 07:50:41 ago (+25/-0)     (whatever)

Here in Canada the government has decided to decriminalize fentanyl and all other hard drugs. Up to 2.5 grams.

It's like saying McDonald's would sell more burgers if they were illegal. It doesn't make sense that a product would become less popular with legalization. If that were the case alcohol bootleggers wouldn't have aspired to make their products legal back during prohibition.

The only reason they say decriminalization leads to lower drug usage rates is because of portugal. The thing is, most of their statistics came from arrests, so naturally if you're no longer arresting drug users you're no longer compiling those statistics.

They just legalized 2.5 grams of fentanyl in British Columbia Canada. That's roughly 14,000 individual doses if the fentanyl is pure. That has nothing to do with protecting the end user. They are protecting the distributors with that kind of threshold.

The issue with fentanyl related death has nothing to do with safe access to the substance . The more pure it is the more dangerous it is. The risk is inherent to the substance itself. Proponents of decriminalization will often cite cocaine as an example of how decriminalization will increase its purity and thus render it safer by eliminating impurities, so how does that logic apply to fentanyl? More potent fentanyl? Therefore more dangerous fentanyl?

Doesn't anybody else find it strange that China is basically exporting this stuff as a biological weapon, and our own government is essentially offering protection to domestic distributors? At what point do these actions become a form of treachery? They're colluding directly with China to worsen things.

" Go ahead and ship this stuff to us China. We'll make it legal for dealers to carry it around with them on the streets and also provide legal areas where people can use the drugs in public".....

101 comments block

I do not believe decriminalizing drugs decreases usage rates. I also believe criminalizing them does not DECREASE usage rates. The choice is not between “higher or lower usage”, but between “more or less police and government power”