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Some signs you're a fuckin' glownigger

submitted by Joe_McCarthy to OccidentalEnclave 1.4 yearsJan 21, 2023 19:02:33 ago (+4/-10)     (OccidentalEnclave)

Not definitive but definitely makes you suspicious.

- Your stuff gets highly upvoted.

- You think 'nothing's happening'. Terror is fake, no real secession movement in the US, no threat of civil war.

- You're not polite.

- You're a conspiracy idiot that promotes the idea that all terrorist attacks are fed false flags.

- You rant about Jews endlessly.

- You don't emphasize the topics I discuss. Hence you talk about the wrong shit.

35 comments block

Wat a fuking joke... The biggest alphabet pederast on the whole site is going to lecture Goats on who the fuk glows.