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New phrase, y'all: "Died vaccidentally."

submitted by totes_magotes to aII 1.4 yearsJan 12, 2023 17:42:08 ago (+85/-1)     (aII)

77 comments block

Nice, think it's really one of those kikedates? You took it a step further than I did. I just noticed that it could possibly be a string of increasing pairs of numbers. When I read your comment - I noticed it was from "1 day ago." I thought "zero one one two two three" which would lead to 3445566778..

Anyway, I just now* noticed that the start of yesterday was when it went from pattern or kikedate to Friday the 13th.

Any falseflags happen? It actually seems like one of those dates when Friday 13th comes into it. Idk maybe I'm just tired.