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I feel as though I've ascended.

submitted by GottaGasEmAll to gaming 1.5 yearsDec 25, 2022 22:55:30 ago (+34/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


I was defending Hitler and the Germans for the record.

19 comments block

Monica 0 points 1.5 years ago

There's a lot of other good posts currently there. Here's a few comments and replies:

"Never forget!
Never forget the 250,000 Jews that starved to death in the German labor camps of WWII! If only the supply lines weren't desecrated they would've had more to eat! Oy vey!"

"All thanks to those allied bombings. History's written by the victors even when they're bad."

lol what a ♥♥♥♥ game"

"Hitler did nothing wrong and you're all gay"

"They hate Kanye like they hated jesus."


"No Commies?
They killed about 15 million people with their crappy authoritarianism before ww2 and about 125+ million in total."