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There's no helping some people. The brainwashing has seeped into every pore.

submitted by Terraeri1 to Covid1984 1.8 yearsDec 26, 2022 18:27:19 ago (+29/-0)     (Covid1984)

Best friend since childhood. Her mother was diagnosed in October with stage 4 cancer of Lungs, Brain and a rare Adrenal gland cancer. She had every Vax and Booster.

I've been trying to convince said friend since the very beginning of the Vax rollout that it's poison. Told her it causes cancer, heart attacks, strokes etc. Even told her that people are developing rapid cancers that present as stage 4 straight away and many are developing rare cancers too.

Her mother develops stage 4 cancer AND a rare one at that too... according to her it's "Just a coincidence"

Thought I'd finally convinced her a month ago she seemed to get nervous when I showed her the mountain of evidence that is coming out

Nope. Her and her mother had another booster 2 weeks ago.

Called me yesterday... Mother has a bloodclot in her leg.

This time the excuse is it's caused by the cancer.

There's no helping some people... seriously.

Imagine the disconnect going on in their brains to come to the conclusion that it's all conjecture.

29 comments block

One of my best childhood friends bought into EVERY lie and mandate over the last 2.5 years. Barely left his house, wore a mask everywhere, and took the vax and boosters. He was just diagnosed with non-hodgkin's lymphoma at 36. He'll most likely never connect the dots that he was systematically poisoned by his government.