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It's interesting that so many atheists on Voat find it necessary to harangue and malign Christians here, while Christians don't reciprocate in v/atheism or some sub similar to v/christcucks

submitted by HughBriss to whatever 1.5 yearsDec 25, 2022 19:06:34 ago (+66/-4)     (whatever)

I see regular posts to v/christcucks nagging everyone, but especially Christians, with their posts about how stupid and worthless Christians are, while Christians can't be bothered to post their thoughts on atheists in v/atheism. The last post to that sub was seven months ago. I don't know what to think about this. It's almost like Christians just don't give a shit about what atheists think about them except when atheists pop up on some post having nothing to do with religion and make some crass and insulting comment that's completely inappropriate to the post. Weird.

144 comments block

Atheists here aren't like atheists circa 2009-2014 on reddit. They mostly don't mention it.

You are referring to the few who actively give a damn about shitting on Christianity. They are probably jewish.